About Me

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I'm a 45 year old mother of 3 boys. I live in a beautiful old house that needs a lot of TLC with my youngest son and 2 dogs. I am working hard at keeping myself healthy and fit by working out and doing a spot of running. I'm a creative person and am passionate about keeping traditional skills alive. I cook, knit, bake, garden, preserve, read, write and am now learning to spin and quilt. Oh and I sometimes swear.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011


On Sunday morning I went next door for brunch with my best friend. By the way he’s 4. I’ve known him all his life. We talk about everything! The weather (very snowy), travelling (he’s just back from a trip to Arizona), running (he’s an excellent runner and jumper especially off the back of sofas), clothes (he thinks I look pretty in skirts), money (he’s rich), how will I get my car out of the snow (borrow some elephants from the zoo to push it out). You name it, he’s got an informed opinion on it. I can ask him anything and he gives me an honest opinion. That’s what you need in a best friend. He has a zest for life that is so infectious you wish you could bottle it and keep it for those down moments.

Yesterday a friend put on FB that her 5 year old son opened the curtains to find yet more snow had fallen through the night and exclaimed “Woohoooo!” All the adults are so weary of this snow but he’s just looking for the fun. His mum reckons we should go on a woohoooo hunt!

Fun, woohoooo, zest for life, call it what you like but kids have it in abundance. I think I’ve forgotten how to have fun. But I’ve made a couple of important decisions in the last 48 hours that will definitely put the fun back in my life.

To misquote Michael Rosen (parents and teachers know who he is)

“I’m going on a woohoooo hunt
I’m going to catch a big one
What a beautiful day
I’m not scared

Makes me smile :-)

Ali x


Unknown said...

Can't wait for the next post :-)

Debs M-C said...

I should lend you Cairn for the afternoon. He gets excited about EVERYTHING. xx

jo_robertson said...

You know, this woohooo hunting could take off, we could become woohooo life coaches.

allybea said...

Bob, shhhhh!!!! ;-)

Debs, any time. Just bring enough chocolate buttons with him xxx

Jo, I think we've got a great idea for a new business venture!! xxx

Fiona Rennie said...

Hope you find loads of Woohoo moments and when you do you have the appropriate reaction, for me both arms go up in the air and I shout Woohoo I also don’t care if anyone is watching!