Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.
It would be really easy to say 2010 was a horrible year but I’m not going to dwell on the negatives. I have a sort of guru. He is a very wise man. He tells me to look for the positive in everything. And sometimes I have to look damned hard! But he’s right. So instead of moaning about the bad stuff, here’s a word or two about the good stuff.
This year I got fit thanks to my personal torturer. I finally found something that worked for me and I stuck at it. Ok, in the beginning I would come home afterwards and lie on the couch for hours. I fell off everything you could fall off and couldn’t do a press up to save my life. But slowly month by month I improved. And now I’m actually going to train for a triathlon!
This year I got a clean bill of health. It was more than a little bit scary at the time but the end result means I start 2011 knowing I am healthy. And it’s given me the motivation to fund raise for a worthy cause.
This year I lost a lot of weight. Maybe not in the healthiest way but remember I’m looking for the positives!
This year I listened to my inner voice. For a long time I had been ignoring it because I didn’t want to hear what it was saying. But I took that leap and learned that my instincts are good.
This year I discovered I had amazing friends. I always knew I had a great bunch of people around me but they really stepped up and held me up when I couldn’t stand. They made me believe I can do this on my own. And do it well.
So goodbye 2010. I'm off to climb that mountain in 2011 and I won't be looking down until I reach the top!
Ali xxx
Eighteen months ago my life changed dramatically and I had to walk away from everything I thought I had. It's been a rocky road but following your blog for the last few months has often given me encouragement when I wanted to give up.
I wish you a wonderful 2011 and may it be full of amazing things you haven't even dreamt of yet!
All the best Ali, but make sure you wear crampons on that mountain and take lots of small measured steps. And when you get to the top dont look back.
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